Rick Stanley's Bond Revoked!
We the People Scoop 4/14/07
RELEASE: Rick's Bond Revoked!
Pam Stanley
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RELEASE: Rick's Bond Revoked!
At about 11:30am Denver time, as Rick and I were exiting our bank, a dozen or so swat team decended upon us. They fired stun grenades in order to disorient us and screamed at us to get down on the ground. They proceeded to tie our arms behind our backs, then handcuff us. As they were doing this we were asking "what is going on?" They merely told us that Rick's bond had been revoked by a judge. They took him away, impounded our vehicle then they released me, having a female detective give me a ride home since I had no vehicle.
I just got off the phone with the booking department of Denver County Jail. I was told Rick is there on a "fugitive hold" from Adams County for bribery, 2 counts. Neither I, nor our attorney have any clue what this is all about! I assume this is all steming from the original "Influencing Public Officials" charges that he was convicted of and the Colorado Court of Appeals just upheld the week before last.
When I called Denver County Jail they also told me that I can go down there at 7:00pm this evening to see Rick. I plan to do so. I have been in contact with our attorney, Jim Bull, but unfortunately he is up in the mountains and unable to get down here until Monday morning. He is going to request a hearing in front of a judge as soon as possible on Monday to determine what is going on and to see if we can get Rick out on a new bond.
I will keep everyone informed as to what is going on as I get more information.
Pam Stanley
Live Free or Die! Liberty in our Lifetime!
We the People Scoop
Reply to: rick@stanley2002.org
We the People Scoop
Reply to: rick@stanley2002.org
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